Georgia Mesothelioma Fact

About 549 people in Georgia have died of asbestos-related illnesses since 1979. The exact figure for deaths related Mesothelioma is only available from 1999. Based on these figures, it can be said that Georgia ranked as 25 th among all states in Mesothelioma death.
Due to the lack of Mesothelioma law, people do not realize the danger posed to their lives Mesothelioma. Only when the people who live in environments contaminated with asbestos show signs of asbestos-related diseases that the action taken and the law enforced. It also revealed that most companies that handle asbestos aware deadly asbestos, but does nothing to protect their workers and keep using it.
Being a rare form of cancer, Mesothelioma is caused by inhaling asbestos particles and fibers. Two main forms of this cancer is pleural and peritoneal mesothelioma occurring in the lining of the lungs and abdomen respectively. If Mesothelioma is detected in its early stages, it is possible to obtain effective treatment. If symptoms appear after a long latent period of 20-50 years, patients can die within 16-18 months.
People who work in places where asbestos is handled and exposed to a greater chance of this cancer. This work involves the handling or installing insulation, roofing, electrical work, mining, asbestos factory work, shipbuilding, railway work and manufacturing gas masks etc. Due to the toxic asbestos particles, they can cause mesothelioma in people exposed to them and in people who inhale asbestos indirectly through the dress shoes, or hair of people exposed.Mesothelioma in Georgia
Here are the figures for the number of deaths, death rates (per million population), and years of potential life lost (YPLL) in the State of Georgia in 1999, among the population aged 15 and older.

As shown by statistics, it can be said that Georgia is a safe place in terms of exposure to asbestos. However, according to the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Georgia has a large number of asbestos-natural areas than any other country in the U.S. East Coast. This is very relevant information as a result of these reasons, the number of mesothelioma cases could rise.
s mentioned in a report by the USGS, natural asbestos was found in 52 locations in Georgia. Georgia-North Carolina border one of the areas where high concentrations of asbestos can be found. Nearly all asbestos site in Georgia which is located outside the northern part of the 17 locations of the former asbestos mine asbestos while 26 is the candidate. Although we can not obtain the conclusions of this report, but it is very important because it helps determine the relationship between natural asbestos and Mesothelioma.
Another reason for concern is the 13 shipments of asbestos-contaminated vermiculite was transferred from Libby, Montana for five locations in Georgia between 1948 and 1993 including Atlanta, Augusta and Savannah.
Contact Mesothelioma lawyer if you suffer from this deadly disease and you are infected because of unsafe working environment.