Mesothelioma Radiation Therapy

Radiation therapy is one of the oldest cancer treatments, and is still used today to treat many cases of mesothelioma. As the name suggests, this type of treatment uses low doses of radioactive materials to target and kill cancer cells, thus slowing the growth and spread of tumors. While mesothelioma radiation therapy cannot defeat mesothelioma on its own, it is often used in conjunction with chemotherapy and surgery.
Unfortunately, radiation therapy often damages a certain amount of healthy cells in addition to cancerous cells. However, the resulting side effects are usually temporary and can be treated in several different ways. To learn more, simply continue reading:
  • Radiation Side Effects: If you have been scheduled for mesothelioma radiation therapy, you will need realistic expectations about its benefits and downsides. Side effects of radiation can include pain, fatigue, and nausea. Other side effects will depend on the location and dosage of your treatments. Fortunately, these effects will be temporary.
  • Dealing with Radiation Therapy: When the side effects of radiation therapy are at their worst, it can be difficult to find the motivation to continue with treatment. Fortunately, your doctor will be able to recommend several different medications, diets, and other techniques for coping with these symptoms.
If you are worried about the side effects of mesothelioma radiation therapy, it may be comforting to know that the technique has been greatly advanced over the years and continues to improve. New technology has increased its effectiveness and decreased its side effects. Many patients have reported that radiation treatment greatly reduced the pain and breathing problems associated with mesothelioma.