What is Chemotherapy?

Chemotherapy is a form of cancer therapy that uses drugs to kill cancer cells. Chemotherapy works by stopping / slowing the growth of cancer cells.Broadly speaking, doctors use chemotherapy for the purpose of:• Healing. Generally, chemotherapy given to patients with early stage or before / after surgery.• Controlling the growth of cancer.• Controlling the symptoms of cancer (also called palliative therapy)
Patients may receive chemotherapy alone as a cancer therapy, but can also be given along with surgery, radiotherapy, or biological therapy. Selection of chemotherapy drugs varies greatly, depending on cancer type, stage, therapeutic goals, and patient factors. Any way of giving chemotherapy-manifold, namely by injection into a vein (most common), drunk, applied or injected into the cavity of the body.
What Actually is feared from Chemotherapy? 3.4
Feelings - feelings that can arise while going through chemotherapy may include anxiety, depression, fear, frustration, and even feel 'alone'. That's normal, but excessive anxiety due to lack of / wrong information on chemotherapy should not have happened.
Side effects of chemotherapy is one of the most feared. Side effects occur because chemotherapy can also affect healthy cells, particularly cells that divide rapidly as the cells that line the oral cavity, gastrointestinal tract, hair follicle cells, and blood cells in bone marrow.
The type and frequency of occurrence of side effects of chemotherapy associated with this type of chemotherapy drug, a combination of chemotherapy drugs, and individual factors. Examples of side effects of chemotherapy that quite often are: nausea, vomiting, fatigue, pain, decreased blood cell count and hair loss. Because the body's healthy cells have the ability to repair itself, then generally these side effects will subside by itself.
How to Undergo Chemotherapy Strategies with Minimal Side Effects? 1,3,4
While undergoing chemotherapy, side effects can occur very bervasiasi between patients. There are patients who experience mild side effects (not even experience any side effects), but some are quite heavy. Patient readiness factors have an important role in controlling this side effect.
Keep in mind that the majority of cancer patients receiving chemotherapy can still perform daily activities - day and even work.
Things - things that need to be done to improve security and convenience for getting chemotherapy are:• Always consult your doctor about chemotherapy drugs to be administered and the risk of side effects.• Do not hesitate to bring any complaints that occur during receiving chemotherapy. Do not wait for complaints to be heavy.• It should not take supplements / herbs for receiving chemotherapy because of the potential onset of interaction. But if you want to take supplements / herbs, consult first with your doctor.• Your doctor may give preventive therapy for certain side effects. Adhere to preventive therapy given to side effects that occur can be minimized.• Keep a time to relax yourself and also do light exercise (eg walking, jogging, cycling) as recommended by your doctor.• Inadequate intake of nutrients. Nutritional deficiencies can cause decreased response to therapy and increase certain side effects.• If you feel decreased appetite, you should eat smaller portions but more frequently (eg 5-6 times a day)• Avoid contact with sick people contagious (eg, influenza, tuberculosis, etc.)• Joining interest groups can be beneficial to cancer mutually reinforcing and sharing.
Hopefully this simple bit of information provides an overview and tips in the chemotherapy in order to reach optimal outcomes with minimal side effects.

1. National Cancer Institute.Chemotherapy and You: Support for People with Cancer.2007.Available at: www.cancer.gov2. MedicineNet.Chemotherapy.2009.Available at: www.medicinenet.com3. MedlinePlus.Cancer Chemotherapy.2011.Available at: www.nlm.nih.gov4. X-Plain Patient Education Chemotherapy.The Institute.2009