Mesothelioma cancer can be detected earlier now

American researchers fatal cancer, pancreatic cancer and two types of patients who suffer from mesothelioma cancer can find the specific changes in the blood. This allows the doctor diagnosed the early stages of cancer.
Somalogic inc. using scanning technology developed by company researchers can detect early signs of lung cancer and pancreatic cancer are diagnosed with type, but not in patients treated for the disease called mesothelioma said. "At the possibility timeThe of less advanced stages of cancer treatment, detection," The results of a recent meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research in Denver, Rachel Ostroff, Director of Clinical Research Inc. Somalogic said.Pancreatic Cancer Symptoms
Pancreatic cancer often strikes without symptoms, but more recently recognized at an advanced stage. National Cancer Institute, pancreatic cancer is rarely curable, he said. If pancreatic cancer is still (Localized), cure rate will be higher. However, usually at least 20 percent of the amount you want to keep.Mesothelioma cancer can be detected earlier now
not spread to lymph nodes is still less than 2 cm in patients with cancer, cancer surgery, patients can keep at least five years. This can lead to 18-24 percent.
The pancreas is a foam tube about 6 inches long behind the stomach, in the form of an organ. The pancreas produces enzymes and insulin hormonesincluding. insulin to control blood sugar levels of pancreatic enzymes in the small intestine to digest food. Both enzymes and hormones necessary for maintaining the body to function properly.
There are two times more likely to attack the disease in males. Pancreatic cancer is more common in smokers than nonsmokers. People with chronic pancreatic disease and diabetes for a long time (especially women) have a higher risk likely to suffer.
Meanwhile, the mesothelium that covers the organs of mesothelioma usually develop a protective coating is a type of cancer caused by malignant cells. The most common, but the pleura (outer lining the lungs and internal chest wall) may occur in the pericardium, or lining vaginalis.
Most of the people affected by mesothelioma because of exposure to asbestos particles often. washing clothes of family members to work with asbestos can be a risk developingmesothelioma. Unlike the relationship between lung cancer and mesothelioma and smoking.
The symptoms of pleural mesothelioma breath or chest wall pain, and also because of excessive weight gain (fluid between the lung and the chest wall) caused by the stenosis. "This early stage of aggressive cancer can improve quality of life and a chance to recover, we will identify patients for early treatment," he said.
Pancreatic cancer is rare, but this isUnited States (U.S.), the fourth largest cause of cancer deaths. because asbestos mesothelioma, About 15.000 to 20.000 deaths per year, while worldwide.
Japan's NEC Corp.. in October, a drop of blood proteins to diagnose diseases by Colorado-based technology to develop strategic partnerships with Somalogic as part of the United States. $ 5,000,000 to invest. It depends on the test aptamers Somalogic - depends on a number of genetic materialproteins. Somalogic molecular technology has developed more specific proteins that allow it to attach to.
For the study, two types of cancer researchers, and those are the symptoms of pancreatitis and pulmonary fibrosis in a situation similar to tumors, such as those who participate in the control group effort suffered a blood sample tested in patients.
Teams that separates biological markers in blood samples or significant differences in biology, computer models are used to findThese cancer patients have cancer.
Whether the cancer, the identification of high-precision all types of cancer, the team found a biological marker, Ostroff said. I can safely remove the sense that people would not be very specific for cancer. Now the results are correct and make sure that both biological and diagnostic tests can be confirmed by other studies. "It's easy to find the biological," Ostroff saidmeeting. "It's very difficult to verify them."
Ostroff team must be stored prior to analysis example of how a false positive result, saying it would trigger the attention of a number of factors. "We examine the parameters to comply with organic disease," he said.
Mesothelioma cancer can be detected earlier now