Whether it is you or a loved one who has become sick, a diagnosis of mesothelioma can have a profound impact on almost all areas of your life. All of a sudden, you are being bombarded with obscure medical information, tests, painful treatments, side effects, and possibly a good deal of questions about your future. While you are going through this difficult time, it is important to utilize a variety of personal, medical, and perhaps legal mesothelioma resources.
At the Asbestos and Mesothelioma Resource Center, our mission is to provide mesothelioma patients and their families with a full array of information that can help you cope with this diagnosis. Please follow the links below to learn about legal, medical, and social issues you may be facing over the course of your treatment. We hope you find these pages useful and informative.
At the Asbestos and Mesothelioma Resource Center, our mission is to provide mesothelioma patients and their families with a full array of information that can help you cope with this diagnosis. Please follow the links below to learn about legal, medical, and social issues you may be facing over the course of your treatment. We hope you find these pages useful and informative.
Mesothelioma Resources
Living with mesothelioma is challenging in many ways, but with the help of loved ones and professionals, you can make it through this painful period in your life. Some resources that may help you and your family cope include:- Cancer Centers: The US has some of the most effective and innovative cancer treatment centers in the world. These centers usually provide up-to-date treatment options, social support, and even hotel services for patients visiting from out of town. The Asbestos and Mesothelioma Resource Center can help you find an accessible cancer center that meets your needs.
- Cancer Support Groups: Many mesothelioma patients suffer from a sense of isolation and the feeling that they are being forced to cope with this serious illness alone. Despite not being physically sick, caretakers are also vulnerable to stress and feelings of loneliness. Finding a support group composed of others in your situation can help you gain the guidance and solidarity you need.
- Estate Planning: It can be very uncomfortable to consider one’s own mortality, but making plans for your family’s future is important. Having a will, a living will, and an advanced health directive in place can help your family avoid serious legal and financial complications down the road.
- Legal Options: Tragically, many cases of mesothelioma could have been prevented by corporate responsibility and correct safety protocols. If you or your loved one was exposed to asbestos through an act of business or governmental negligence, you may be interested in learning about your legal options.
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