illinois mesothelioma

It is very surprising to know that each year approximately 10,000 deaths reported in the U.S. resulting from Mesothelioma. Of large numbers, more than 17,000 reported dead in Illinois during 1979 to 2001. Another frightening aspect is that the number of deaths is accurate as data collected from death certificates the government.
It is a matter of great concern to Americans that despite the commercial and industrial use of asbestos has been banned by the Environmental Protection Agency since 1989, deaths from mesothelioma increases. The fact is that although the use of asbestos banned several decades ago, people exposed to asbestos more than 20 years ago are now showing symptoms of this disease and come forward for treatment and claims.
Also, people who work in shipyards, docks, asbestos mines and mills, factories and industrial insulation are being diagnosed with mesothelioma because it takes more than 20-30 years for symptoms to appear. Mesothelioma is caused by exposure to asbestos and can take a long time to manifest itself in the body and symptoms with which it becomes too late to treat it. Only be prevented by avoiding exposure to asbestos.
Found in a survey conducted in 2004 that asbestos was used in 80% of roofing products, 8% in gaskets, 4% in friction products and 8% in other consumer products. This suggests that the ban not been imposed on 100% of industrial use of asbestos and is still a threat to human life.
The majority of Mesothelioma cases go undetected or they are not properly diagnosed because of the long latency period. When these symptoms appear, they are mistaken for other diseases. This causes a lack of proper care because of the many dead.
Mesothelioma primarily affects the lining of the abdomen known as peritoneal mesothelioma, or lining of the lungs known as pleural mesothelioma.Mesothelioma in Illinois
Due to high shipping asbestos-containing vermiculite shipped from Libby, Montana for 30 locations in Illinois during 1948 and 1993, cases of Mesothelioma up. When vermiculite is exfoliated, a lot of dust and particles of asbestos which causes mesothelioma freed in people who live and work nearby.
Here are the figures for the number of deaths, death rates (per million population), and years of potential life lost (YPLL) at Illinois State in 1999, among the population aged 15 years and older.

According to latest statistics, in Cook County, IL that a large number of cases of asbestos found. This suggests that a large number of people who lived in Illinois has been affected by fatal diseases.
Also, the government has registered 603Fenton Lane, WR Grace & Company in West Chicago as the main site for the storage of asbestos-containing.
Contact Mesothelioma lawyer if you suffer from this deadly disease and you are infected because of unsafe working environment. Our Mesothelioma lawyers have been registered in every country on this site to help you find appropriate legal assistance.