Mesothelioma is an aggressive form of cancer of mesothelial cells along the pleura, the membrane that creates the lung lining and chest cavity. About 75% of all diagnosed with pleural mesothelioma. Pleural Mesothelioma is usually unilateral (one side of the chest), and occurs most frequently in men aged 60 to 80 with a history of asbestos, often decades before the diagnosis.
If pleural mesothelioma begins, it appears as a series of small white nodules, to the diffusion, or an area on the surface of the pleura. Gradually began to thicken and grow together the nodes that form a "skin" that the injured lung and extends into the gap or groove of the pleura and diaphragm. Tumor spreads by direct invasion of surrounding tissue in the liver by pressure on the lungs, chest wall and ribs, and external attacks.
Mesothelioma Symptoms
The first symptoms of pleural mesothelioma is usually not accurate enough to trigger an alarm, and in most cases associated with age or too much work. Therefore, probably several months from the onset of symptoms occurred before the first symptoms of the common acute pleural effusion. At this time, progressive shortness of breath caused by an effusion and chest pain caused by the invasion of the chest wall can be identified. The most common symptoms are dry cough, fatigue, night sweats and weight loss.
Mesothelioma Diagnosis
At the initial examination by a physician, 80% to 95% of patients showed pleural effusion on X-rays showed the other little or no fluid. First, free-flowing liquid, and is similar in appearance as in other benign causes or congestive heart failure, and therefore see, this is another opportunity to be first must be excluded in the diagnostic process. Then the effusion "partitioned," or included in the pleural cavity where the fluid is not moving.
CT is final and can not just shedding, but the presence of pleural masses and lymph nodes of a certain size to show is that MRI is more sensitive in determining the invasion of the chest wall and spread of disease through the membrane, PET in the Staging of pleural mesothelioma in the surgical resection help rule out possible expansion in the lungs (opposed) to the opposite side or the other far away places.
The analysis confirmed the diagnosis of pleural fluid in a relatively small percentage of patients made little needle biopsy provides better results. Currently, the method of choice (value-added video thoracoscopic surgery) procedure, which results in the diagnosis of> 95%, and allows the pleural biopsy, drainage of the fluid and pleurodesis. Tong also ensure that adequate tissue samples to facilitate a definitive diagnosis.
Mesothelioma staging
As with any type of cancer staging plays a role in the choice of treatment in patients with pleural mesothelioma qualify. Several classification systems are used, however, is the most complete and widely used, the TNM system of mesothelioma associated with the group international attention.
Mesothelioma Treatment
Based on a number of factors, some treatment options available are surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy (or a combination of the three, known as trimodal therapy). Choice of treatment plan depends on the stage of cancer. Phase I of mesothelioma, no problem, be treated by surgery to remove cancerous tissue, unless the patient is too weak to undergo surgery. Sometimes treatment can not be done on short notice. Of course, the two patients who were operated on and those who are not closely monitored for the future growth of cancer. The prognosis for people with mesothelioma, so that phase I may very optimistic. Unfortunately, some patients who are diagnosed early have. Learn about the systemic treatment of pleural mesothelioma.
Stage IV and metastatic mesothelioma patients have the worst. Surgery is rarely in these patients - chemotherapy as palliative treatment alone.
These patients in phase II and III are most often combined with a multimodal treatment with surgery chemotherapy or radiation. Ill patients are evaluated for surgery. You are not feasible for the rigors of surgery (due to age or illness) who were treated with chemotherapy - some services and a different system, if necessary. Those who qualify for surgery and chemotherapy are often evaluated. May decide cancer, surgical debulking with adjuvant chemotherapy and radiotherapy or chemotherapy are early (usually a combination of Alimta and cisplatin) and then perform surgical exploration followed. If the operating system are not observed points for the tumor, may be withdrawn in some networks, but the patients are treated with chemotherapy. If the efficient removal of judges, surgeons can be done, a new surgical procedure is planned, in which it is performed pleurectomy / decortication to extrapleural pneumonectomy. Adjuvant radiotherapy after pneumonectomy.
Physicians with little experience with this disease can only treat the symptoms of pleural effusion with drainage and talc treatments. Specialists in major cancer centers were more likely to suggest a trimodal therapy. Second-line treatment of pleural mesothelioma usually with chemotherapy. Individual treatment is disappointing, as often proposed multimodality treatments. Although pleural mesothelioma continues to be difficult cancer to treat more awareness of the disease, new diagnostic and treatment options to better and more effective contribution to improving the prognosis.
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